Hello Sprocket Fuel MTB Racers,
Welcome to the Sprocket Fuel MTB Race, held this Saturday, 8/13 at Harris Lake in New Hill, NC! It’s going to be an awesome day of mountain biking action and we hope you are as excited as we are for race day.
Below is the race day info email which contains detailed information for Saturday. Please take a few minutes to read.
Two things before we get to race logistics:
1) Space is still available in the race so let your MTBing friends know they can still get in on the fun. Online registration is open until Thursday, 8/11 at 10pm and race day registration will be available for an extra $10. The registration link is HERE.
2) We can certainly use the support of some more volunteers to help with check-in, course marshalling, and sweeping the course (riding at the end of each group to ensure the course is clear). If you have friends or family that would like volunteer, please have them sign up HERE and if possible, ask them to sign up by tomorrow night (Wed 8/10) so we have time to incorporate them into the volunteer plan. THANK YOU!
Race Classes and Starting Procedures: As you are likely aware, to prevent overcrowding on the trails and to ensure riders of similar ability are racing together, we are separating the field of racers into three distinct races – expert/sport/single-speed (8am), beginner/junior 15-18 (11am), and first timer racers/juniors 14-U (11:15am). Within those races, we will further separate into start waves, spaced 1-3 minutes apart (see below for exact start times).
Combining Classes: We currently have 117 racers registered in 19 of the available 25 classes. Few athletes want to race with just one or two other athletes. So, after online registration closes at 10pm on Thursday, 8/11, we will evaluate the class participation and combine some smaller classes (if it makes sense). We will also drop classes that have low or no participation (meaning those classes would not be available for race day registration). For instance, if we only have one sport male 19-U racer, we will combine into sport male open. We will not change distance or general race time (8am, 11am, or 11:15am) for any racer and we will not combine gender or ability levels. The final start list posted online on Friday morning will reflect any changes we make. You can view the start list HERE. We will also send another email on Friday morning with the final start times for each class and any last minute updates.
NO CLASS CHANGES AFTER THURSDAY 8/11: If you would like to change your class, you MUST change before online registration closes at 10pm on 8/11. To change your class, log into your profile on bikereg.com and edit your registration or click on the link at the top of this email.
Current Classes / Start Times / Schedule:
8am Race
• Check-in open from 6:45am-7:45am
• Experts (21 miles / 3 laps)
• Sport and Single-speed (15 miles / 2 laps)
• 7:50am – Race line up
• 7:55am – Pre-race brief
• 8:00am – Expert Male Open, Expert Male Masters 50+
• 8:02am – Expert Female Open, Expert Female Masters 50+
• 8:05am – Sport Male Open
• 8:07am – Sport Male 19-U, Sport Male Masters 50+
• 8:09am – Single-speed Male Open
• 8:11am – Sport Female Open
• 8:13am – Sport Female 19-U, Sport Female Masters 50+
• 8:14am – Single-speed Female Open
• Post-race food/beverage from 10am-12pm
• Awards/giveaways from 11:30am-12pm
11am Race
• Check-in open from 9:30am-10:45am
• Beginners (9 miles / 1 lap)
• 10:50am – Racer line up
• 10:55am – Pre-race brief
• 11:00am – Beginner Male Open
• 11:03am – Beginner Male Masters 50+, Jr 15-18 Male
• 11:05am – Beginner Female Open
• 11:08am – Beginner Female Masters 50+, Jr 15-18 Female
• Post-race food/beverage from 12pm-1:30pm
• Awards/giveaways from 12:45pm-1:15pm
11:15am Race
• Check-in open from 9:30am-11:00am
• First Time Racers and Juniors 11-14 (6 miles / 2 shortened laps)
• Super Juniors 6-10 (3 miles / 1 shortened lap)
• 11:10am – Racer line up and Pre-race brief
• 11:15am – First Time Racer Male, Jr 13-14 Male
• 11:16am – First Time Racer Female, Jr 13-14 Female
• 11:18am – Jr 11-12 Male
• 11:19am – Jr 11-12 Female
• 11:21am – Super Junior 6-10
• Post-race food/beverage from 12pm-1:30pm
• Awards/giveaways from 12:45pm-1:15pm
Race Weather Forecast / Course Conditions: As of Tues, 8/9, the forecast for race day is calling for morning temps in the low 60s, afternoon temps in the mid-80s, abundant sunshine, and light winds – PERFECT RACE WEATHER. The trails at Harris Lake are currently in excellent condition, dry and fast. We may get some rain on Wed and Thurs but there is nothing in the forecast that would cause us to think that they will not be in great shape on race day.
Venue Address: Harris Lake County Park, 2112 County Park Drive, New Hill, NC 27562
Parking / Arrival: After entering the park, follow the ‘race parking’ signs. Park in the field near the Hog Run trailhead. Please arrive early and carpool, if bringing family or friends. Our staff/volunteers will be controlling the flow of traffic to maximize available space. If and when all the space fills up near the staging area, vehicles will be directed to our overflow parking @ the Cypress Pavilion, which is a .2 mile trail ride to the staging area. Please factor parking, check-in, warming up, and using the restroom into your travel plans. We recommend arriving AT LEAST 45 minutes before the start time for your group (arrive by 7:15am for the 8am race, 10:15am for the 11am race, and 10:30am for the 11:15am race).
Check-in: Check-in at the staging area near the Hog Run trailhead. Check-in will be open from 6:45am-7:45am for the 8am race, 9:30am-10:45am for the 11am race, and 9:30am-11am for the 11:15am race. At check-in you will receive your race number and t-shirt (if you ordered one). Affix your race number on the front of your handlebars with the twist ties provided. Your race number must be fully visible from the front.
Portajohns: Portajohns will be located near check-in and the race start.
Race Lineup / Pre-Race Brief: The race will start on the gravel road near the trailhead. Racers should line up 10 minutes before the start of each race. We will be calling out the starting order of each class to ensure an orderly flow and less moving around after the pre-race brief. The pre-race brief will begin at 7:55am for the 8am race, 10:55am for the 11am race, and 11:10am for the 11:15am race. The pre-race brief includes important safety and logistical information.
Race Start: See Classes / Start Times / Schedule above for exact start times. Reminder, these start times may be adjusted slightly if we combine classes (see Race Classes / Starting Procedures above). We will send another email on Friday morning with the final start times for each class.
Race Course Description: Depending on class, athletes will start separately and complete 1-3 laps on a course that includes smooth, twisty, and flowing single-track trails. The race will start with .25 miles of wide gravel road, open field, and double-track trails, before hitting the single-track. The course measures 6.2 miles for a lap, north of County Park Drive, and 2.8 miles for a shortened lap, south of County Park Drive. The shortened lap is less technical. Expert, Sport, Beginner, and Juniors 15-18 will complete one shortened lap and 1-3 laps north of County Park Drive. Juniors 11-14 and First Time Racers will complete 2 shortened laps for a total of 6 miles and super juniors 6-10 will complete one shortened lap for a total of 3 miles. There are no long hill climbs on these courses.
To view interactive course details and elevation profiles for each course, click on the links below:
Link to Full Lap
Line to Shortened Lap

Trail Etiquette / Passing: There are passing opportunities spread throughout the course but passing may be challenging on many of the tight trails. Passing riders should use audible signals such as ‘passing on your left’ or ‘passing on your right’ and, when possible and safe to do so, slower racers should allow them to pass. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE – BE COURTEOUS OUT THERE AND REMEMBER, THIS IS JUST A RACE AND THERE ARE WAY MORE IMPORTANT THINGS IN LIFE. RACING SAFELY IS AN EXPECTATION. RACE HARD, BUT DON’T BE RECKLESS AND ‘DON’T BE THAT PERSON’. THANK YOU!
Course Marking / Trail Closure: The course will be marked with arrows at all turns or areas of decision. Caution tape will block off trails that are not part of the course. Course marshals will be placed at key spots along the course and at the road crossing. The MTB trails at Harris Lake will be closed to other MTBing traffic for this race. With this said, there is always a chance a non-racer finds their way onto the course, so please keep your eyes open for other users.
NEXT LAP Course Marking: Racers in the classes below will complete two or three laps. A course marshal will be at the NEXT LAP intersections verbally alerting riders of the NEXT LAP but it is the responsibility of each rider to know which lap they are on. NOTE – we will help the juniors 11-14 to ensure they take their second lap but for all you adults out there, please remember your lap count.
• Experts will complete three laps of the course north of County Park Dr and should TURN LEFT the first and second times they see the TO NEXT LAP sign (to start lap 2 and lap 3). On their third time through this intersection, expert riders should follow the TO FINISH sign.
• Sport and Single-speed racers will complete two laps of the course north of County Park Dr and should TURN LEFT the first time they see the TO NEXT LAP sign (to start lap 2). On their second time through this intersection, sport and single-speed racers should follow the TO FINISH sign.
• First Time Racers, Jr 13-14, and Jr 11-12 racers will complete two laps of the course south of County Park Dr and should TURN LEFT the first time they see the TO NEXT LAP sign (to start lap 2). On their second time through this intersection, sport and single-speed racers should follow the TO FINISH sign.
Mile Markers: We love to use mile markers in our races but given the nature of this course, mile markers would be more confusing than helpful. With this said, we will have a mile marker at the aid station for Lap 1 (5.9M), Lap 2 (12.3M), and Lap 3 (18.7M). Obviously, the Lap 3 marker will only apply to experts and the Lap 2 marker will only apply to expert, sport, and single-speed. There will also be a ½ mile to go mile marker, which will apply to all racers on the last lap.
Aid Stations/Hydration: We highly recommend that every racer bring their own filled water bottle/s or hydration pack to use in this race. We will have one aid station on the course (every 6 miles for the 8am and 11am races only) and one at the finish line. The aid stations will have water and Gatorade.
NO EARPHONES or AUDIBLE MUSIC: Using earphones or playing audible music in a mountain bike race is a significant safety risk. This will be strictly enforced and is grounds for disqualification. Please don’t make us be the bad guy.
Photos: Uber-talented professional photographer Mario Quivera will be at the race capturing images from the event. All photos will be available for FREE download a few days after the event, and we will send you an email when they are ready. Smile big when you see Mario out on the course!
Timing / Results: The timing pros from Cardinal Race Services are timing this race. You will receive your race number at check-in. Affix your race number on the front of your handlebars with the twist ties provided. Your race number must be fully visible from the front. Results will be posted on-site and on our website after the race.
Recovery and Medical Tent: Dr. Greg Summerville, Dr. David Berkoff, and their team of medical pros from UNC Orthopaedics at Pittsboro will be on site offering their expert medical care to our athletes and assisting with any needed emergency response. Stop by their tent after the race to assist with recovery or to patch up any boo boos. Thank you, UNC Orthopaedics at Pittsboro!
Post-Race Food: Water, Gatorade, soft drinks, and non-alcoholic beer will be available after the race. Food includes yummy sliders from Breakaway Café, fruit, trail bars, chips, cookies, chocolate, etc. Complimentary food and beverages will be available at the finish line for all racers and volunteers. Also, for two weeks after the race, show your race number to the folks at Breakaway and take 10% off your order. Thank you, Breakaway Café for your support and for providing the delicious sliders!
Athletic Brewing Company Craft Non-Alcoholic Beer: A cold beer hits the spot after a race and now you can enjoy a tasty post-race craft beverage that doesn’t compromise your ability to stay sharp and healthy. After the race, grab an Athletic Brewing Company beer and enjoy! Also, take 10% off your first order of ABC beer when you order online using code RR10. Thank you and cheers to Athletic Brewing Company!
AMAZING SWAG and Mechanical Support from Trek Chapel Hill: Trek Chapel Hill has pulled out all the stops supporting this race – SERIOUSLY, check this out! They have contributed $6700 in merchandise that we will distributed as prizes and randomly as giveaways. These include Bontrager Blaze WaveCel MTB Helmets ($300 each), tires (ranging from $65-$85 each), and Trek t-shirts (stylish, soft, and comfy – $25 each). They will also be on site offering free mechanical support to athletes. THANK YOU to Trek Chapel Hill!
Cycling Shoe Giveaway from Brandon Jozwiak of Nest Realty – NICE: Local real estate pro, Brandon Jozwiak from Nest Realty, will be randomly giving away two pair of cycling shoes (well, it’s really two $150 Trek gift certs to use at Trek as you wish). A big THANK YOU to Brandon for generously supplying this great swag.
Awards, Prizes, and Giveaways: We will have two separate awards ceremonies, one at 11:30am for expert, sport, and single-speed and one at 12:45pm for juniors, first time racers, and beginners. Awards (1st-5th place pint glasses) will be presented to the top five in each class. Trek tees will be presented to the top three for most classes. Additional prizes will be awarded to the top three in Expert M/F Open, Sport M/F Open, and the next two classes with the most registered racers (first place – helmet, second place – tire, third place – hat/tee). Most giveaways (from Trek and Nest Realty) will be randomly distributed at the award ceremonies. If you win or are awarded a helmet or tee but need a different size, swap it out at the Trek Chapel Hill store. You must be present at the awards ceremony to claim your award/prize or win a giveaway – THEY WILL NOT BE MAILED.
TORC – The Triangle Off-Road Cyclists (TORC) will be at Sprocket Fuel promoting the club and raffling off a $900 Bontrager Carbon wheelset (Thanks to Trek Chapel Hill). Stop by their table to say hi and bring some cash buy a ticket and support this awesome club that builds and maintains MTB trails in the Triangle. Through this race, we will donate $1 per Sprocket Fuel racer to TORC to support the effort. To learn more or to become a TORC member, CLICK HERE.
Awesome Sponsors: THANK YOU to all our generous sponsors for providing product, services, and giveaways in support of grassroots racing and our community. Please show your love and support our sponsors in any way you can. Athletic Brewing Company, Brandon Jozwiak from Nest Realty, Breakaway Café, Trek Chapel Hill, and UNC Orthopaedics at Pittsboro.
Whew – I know, that was a lot. Thank you for taking the time to read this message and for your support of this event and Roadless Races. We can’t wait for race day and look forward to seeing you on Sat.
Jim Harman
Race Director
Roadless Races