GOOD TIMES at Sprocket Fuel MTB

SO MUCH FUN was had this past Saturday at beautiful Harris Lake as close to 200 athletes enjoyed perfect weather, stellar trail conditions, festive vibes, and AWESOME mountain biking action at the 3rd Annual Sprocket Fuel MTB Race. Congrats to all racers for accepting the challenge!

THANK YOU to all those that helped make this event a smashing success:

  • Thank you racers for signing up, showing up, and digging deep.
  • Thank you volunteers for generously lending your time and talent to help make the event come alive – YOU ROCK!
  • Thank you Harris Lake park staff for permitting us to play in their beautiful park.
  • Thank you sponsors for supporting grassroots racing and our communities – Athletic Brewing Company for the yummy craft non-alcoholic beer, Coastal Credit Union for donating $1000 to Meals on Wheels Wake County – NICE, and Delta Cycle for the sweet swag.
  • Thank you to the Apex Fire Department for the professional medical support.
  • Thank you Junction 311 for the expert timing services.
  • Thank you Triangle Off-Road Cyclists (TORC) for supporting this event and for all the great work they do to build/maintain the trails we love.
  • Thank you to professional photog Tim Skelding for sharing his impressive photo talent with us (all photos are now online and available for FREE download at
  • Thank you to the RR staff, family, and friends for the support, dedication, and hard work to make it all happen!