Upgrade to Trails

Volunteers Make It All Happen
Producing our events would not be possible without the support of caring and energetic volunteers.
They help with parking, check-in, aid stations, course marshalling, timing, post-race food, and sweeping/demarking the course. Volunteering at our events is a great way to be a part of the Roadless Races community and have fun in the outdoors.
All volunteers receive a free race t-shirt (hoodie for Run at the Rock!), free food, and a $15 discount into a future Roadless Races event. Volunteer shifts usually start between 7am-8am and last 2-4 hours. To sign up to volunteer, please complete the form below. You will receive a confirmation email immediately upon submission and the Volunteer Plan will be emailed on the Wed or Thur before the race. THANK YOU for volunteering!