Sprocket Fuel is a Wrap – THANK YOU!

Hello Sprocket Fuelers,

Thank you for participating in the first ever Sprocket Fuel MTB Challenge and congratulations on striving to meet or exceed your goals. We hope this event provided you with some fun, challenge, personal accomplishment, and motivation to ‘ride more’.

I wanted to send one final note to wrap up from the event. The information below should answer most lingering questions that you might have.

Giveaways: We did a bunch of giveaways yesterday afternoon (8/16) during the virtual wrap up ceremony. If you did not see the video, you can check it out on the Roadless Races Facebook page. Below are the winners of the giveaways. All giveaway items will be shipped this week. The free race entry coupon code will be emailed.

• FREE entry in any 2020 or 2021 Roadless Race event: Andrew Dilworth from Chapel Hill, NC
• Roadless Races hat: Albert Gumabay from Reston, VA
• Starbucks gift card: Melanie Flowers from Chapel Hill, NC
• Panera gift card: Mark Zaragoza from Springfield, VA
• Apple itunes gift card: Elizabeth Kimble from Little Rock, AR
• Cable lock: Leah Crowling from Chapel Hill, NC
• Multitool: Mahlon Johnson from Spotsylvania, VA

Charity Groups: A big thank you to those that donated $ during registration to support IMBA and NICA, two organizations doing great things for mountain biking and for our communities. We raised a total of $270. If you donated, you should have automatically received an email with your tax-deductible donation details. If you did not receive or if it got lost in the shuffle, please let me know and I will send it to you. Thanks again!

Swag: Your super-sweet swag pack (with tee, head wrap/face covering/neck gaiter, magnet, and any extra items you purchased or won as a giveaway) was sent between Aug 3-5th so you should have received at least a week ago. If you did not receive, please let me know. I hope you like and enjoy your swag.

One Question Survey and Feedback: We are always looking for ways to improve our events and given the fact that this is our first virtual MTB challenge, we would especially love to hear what you thought of the experience. Please take this one question survey (go to the bottom of the page to ‘Net Promoter Score’ And, if inclined, please comment on the experience so we can understand what you liked and how the experience can improve. Provide this feedback in the ‘Additional Notes’ section just under the Net Promoter Score. THANK YOU for your feedback!

Calling all Runners: Our next virtual event is called the Zen Squirrel Trail Run Challenge and it starts on September 1st. This event is similar to the Sprocket Fuel, except for runners. Your goal is to run and accumulate 25, 50, or 100 TOTAL miles during the month of September. Track and upload your progress just like you did in the Sprocket Fuel. The swag is awesome and includes a beautiful medal that doubles as a bottle opener, a super soft and comfy tee (same tee brand as the sprocket fuel), and a nifty 5″ magnet for your car or fridge (now you will have two) – all sent to you. If you are a mt. biker AND a runner, this month of motivation to RUN MORE may be right up your alley.

One last thing before I sign off. We have had to cancel all our live events so far this year. To say this has been difficult would be an understatement. Of course, we are not alone, as many businesses and households are just trying to survive these surreal times. I would like to thank you for your support of Roadless Races. I view each registration as a gift which not only helps us financially but also validates that the experiences we are creating are valued and worthy of each participants’ time, energy, and financial resources. In ‘normal’ times and especially now, the ‘gift’ of your registration is HUGELY appreciated. Thank you once again!

Take care, stay active, and be well.

Jim Harman
Race Director
Roadless Races